The concept of planking seems pretty simple: you lie on your stomach and put your elbows under your shoulders. Then you lean on your forearms and toes and hold this position. Yet many people still plank in the wrong position. We explain to you how to perform this exercise perfectly.



Planking is one of the most loved and hated core exercises. But we know what we do it for: strong abs! Although it seems like a seemingly simple exercise, proper posture requires attention.

The perfect plank

– Lie on your stomach, preferably on a mat or other comfortable surface.
– Keep your feet close together and place them upright on the floor, supporting yourself on your toes.
– Place your forearms along your body, with your elbows directly below your shoulders.
– Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips off the ground. Your upper body rests on your forearms.
– These four tricks will help you keep planking longer | Happy in Shape

Important: Make sure your body forms a straight line from your heels to your shoulders, parallel to the floor. Your hips should not rise too high.

Note: It is also important that your hips do not drop too far toward the floor. This actually causes your abdominal muscles to become disengaged. Really keep that straight line in mind. At the same time, pay attention to your head. Don’t look down or up, but keep your head straight.
Once you get the right posture? Then ideally tighten your glutes and breathe from your belly. Incorrect breathing can cause tension in your neck. Avoid this by taking slow, deliberate deep breaths from your belly.

How long for results?

Do you have to stand in that souring position for hours to effectively train your core? Fortunately, that turns out to be not so bad. In fact, according to professor and spine specialist Stuart McGill, you only need to plank for ten seconds to experience the benefits. According to him, it is best to plank with an interval time of 10 seconds; this means 10 seconds of planking, 10 seconds of rest and then another 10 seconds of planking. According to him, this has more results than setting a record time.

Still, not everyone agrees with McGill’s opinion: for example, personal trainer Rob Arreaga believes it is best to hold the plank for 30 seconds to a minute. So let’s sit somewhere in the middle and do whatever feels fine, but take the right posture at all times!