Don’t work harder, work smarter! Every woman has a tip or trick they swear by. Simple, easy, effective life hacks can always come in handy and save the day. Ladies, listen up. We’re about to make your life so much easier.
We love discovering new life hacks, so we’ve made the ultimate list of tried-and-true, reliable tips that we always turn to. These hacks are time savers and great for women of all ages. We’ll cover beauty, hair, skin, and more!
While these hacks are geared towards females, really anyone can benefit from at least one or two hacks on the list. These may change your life – or improve your day! Keep scrolling for genius life hacks every girl should know.
How To Get Gum Out of Your Hair
Is there anything worse than gum stuck in your hair? Next time it happens, this lifesaver tip will help get you out of this unfortunately sticky situation. This genius ice cube hack can help save your hair!

Don’t pick up the scissors. Instead, head to the freezer. Apply an ice cube to the gum for 10 to 15 minutes or until the gum hardens. The gum will be less sticky and easy to pick out.
Never Lose A Bobby Pin Again
Where do hairpins go? It’s almost as if they vanish in thin air just as you reach for one. For this hack, all you need are fridge magnets and double-sided tape. Attach the magnets’ non-magnetic side to your table and stick.

The pins stick to the magnets rather than dispersing. Be sure to remember to restick them at the end of the day. We know leaving them in your bag or next to your nightstand is tempting, but resist!
Hide Your Cash In Old Chapstick Containers
Do you ever think about what you would do if you lost your wallet or ran out of cash in an emergency? Well, here’s a handy trick for always having a bit of backup money on hand.

All you need is an old chapstick container with a lid. Wash and dry it. Roll up a few $10 notes and stick them inside. Keep it in your handbag, car, pocket, or wherever else you think it could be helpful.
White Wine Gets Out Red Wine Stains
There is nothing like spilling red wine to ruin a girls’ night out. White wine can remove red stains from the carpet, chairs, or your outfit. White wine can help neutralize red stains next time you’re in a pinch.

You Can Use Hair Straighteners to Iron Your Clothes
Oh no! You have to be out the door in 10 minutes, and your outfit is crinkled. Instead of pulling out the ironing board, grab your hair straightener. Straighteners make great makeshift irons when you need a quick solution.

Heat your straightener and adjust the heat according to the fabric of your clothing. Gently run the hot iron over your clothing to smooth out wrinkles. Did you know straighteners are more helpful than traditional irons for collars, cuffs, or small creases?
Baby Oil And Conditioner Are Great For Shaving Your Legs
Shaving cream is unnecessarily expensive. You can shave your legs with products you already have in your bathroom. Baby oil or hair conditioner works just as well as shaving cream and leaves your skin feeling softer. Plus, it’s cheaper!

If you have dry skin, baby oil helps replenish lost moisture. Apply the products to the areas you want to shave and go to town. The only downside is that you have to clean your razer more often to prevent buildup.
Color Code Your Keys With Nail Polish
Are you tired of fumbling through a sea of keys to find the right one for the right door? Try color-coding your keys using nail polish! This is a fun and easy DIY project and a great way to express yourself.

Lay your keys flat on the paper, paint the top with your chosen color, and wait for it to dry. Then, flip them over and repeat the process. Use a toothpick to suspend them across a glass while they dry.
Extend Your Mascara’s Lifespan
If you’re like us, you wear mascara almost daily. Keep your bottle longer with this life hack: Every time you pump the mascara wand in and out of the tube, the mascara drys quicker, sticks to the side, and clumps.

Get more use out of your product by putting your mascara tube in hot water for a few seconds to loosen the product inside. The heat helps break down any lumps and clumps left in the tube. Then apply as usual!
DIY Emergency Heating Pad With Rice And A Sock
Whether it’s period cramps, backaches, or sports-related injuries – being in pain stinks! Heat packs can work wonders to soothe sore muscles and body aches. The heat opens the blood vessels and promotes healing. Now, you can make your own heat pack.

Instead of buying a new heating pad at the store, you can make your own with things you already have – rice and an old sock. Fill the sock with rice and tie an elastic around the opening. Heat for 2-3 minutes and enjoy.
Tame Frizzy Hair With A Dryer Sheet
Bad hair days happen to the best of us, especially in humid weather. While we love visiting the salon for a blowout, that’s not always an option. Control frizzy hair at home. All you need is a hairbrush and a dryer sheet.

Stick an anti-static dryer sheet over your regular hairbrush and allow the bristles to poke through. Brush your hair as you usually would. Watch your hair go from frizz ball to smooth. Use this hack whenever you need to control frizzy hair.
No Long Matches? Light Candles With Pasta
Here’s a tip you probably haven’t heard before. Have you ever tried to light a candle with a short match? The flame usually doesn’t ignite the candle, and your fingers are in danger. Make a pit stop at your pantry.

Grab a strand of uncooked spaghetti and use a match or lighter to ignite the pasta on one end. Use the pasta stick like a long match. Also, pasta burns quickly, making a great addition to your campfire supplies.
Save Your Nail Polish With This Handy Trick
Have you ever fully finished a bottle of nail polish? Usually, the last bit of the bottle is unused because it dries after a while. You can fix this by soaking the closed bottle in hot water for 10 minutes.

This little hot water bath brings the polish back to life, allowing you to get every last drop out. When your polish gets too thick or dry, you can also add a few drops of nail polish remover.
Save Your Skin Before Dyeing Your Hair With Petroleum Jelly
We love a DIY color change. Once you find the perfect shade, don’t let your hard work go to waste with a dyed streak across your forehead. Hair dye can quickly stain your skin and take days to remove.

Apply petroleum jelly to any place where the dye might touch your skin (forehead, behind the ears, back of the neck). Dye your hair as usual. The petroleum jelly stops the dye from staining your skin. Wash it off when you’re done.
Break In Tight Shoes With A Blow Dryer
Everyone loves a new pair of shoes, but one thing we don’t love is breaking in a new pair of heels, boots, or sneakers. New shoes can be super uncomfortable at first. Save your feet by breaking them in at home.

Grab your hairdryer and a thick pair of socks. Blow the warm air on the shoes to loosen them. The heat expands the material. Repeat the process with socks on, then walk around a little until they cool.
Always Carry A Travel Size Deodorant
Deodorant protects you from stinky armpits and could seriously come in handy if you’re ever in an unsafe situation. Pop a travel-size spray deodorant in your purse when you go out. The spray offers sweat protection and an out-of-the-box safety solution.

How? If you feel unsafe, use the spray to disorientate them enough to leave you alone. Think of it as an alternative to pepper spray. Deodorant is perfectly legal, so you’ll never get in trouble for carrying it in your purse.
Organize Your Makeup With A Magnet Board
Are you constantly losing your favorite products? It’s hard to keep your makeup collection clean and in one place. Instead of using an unorganized makeup bag, design a magnet board. Nothing will get lost, and you can clearly see everything.

All you need to do is buy a piece of metal and fit it into an old picture frame. Next, glue a small magnet to the back of your beauty supplies – including brushes! Stick your products to the magnet board.
Used Dryer Sheets Can Get Rid Of Deodorant Stains
Pesky white deodorant stains happen to everyone. Grab a used dryer sheet and rub the stain using quick, short, circular strokes for a quick fix. After a couple of minutes of rubbing, the stain will start to disappear.

Use this hack to save your clothes. Remember to use a USED dryer sheet for this trick. A new one will leave residue behind. We love finding an additional use for dryer sheets that we’d normally throw away.
Nail Polish Helps Keep Your Fingers From Turning Green
We love affordable jewelry as much as the next person, but that green finger stain isn’t a good look. One way to avoid green fingers is to apply a coat of clear nail polish to the inner side of the ring.

Green stains happen because of oxidation. Nail polish adds a protective layer against water and moisture. Plus, it can help keep your rings in good condition for longer. If you want to remove the polish, gently rub it with a wet wipe.
Freeze Coffee To Make Coffee-Flavored Ice Cubes
We’re big fans of iced lattes and frappuccinos year-round. But ice coffee isn’t the easiest to make when you’re in a rush. Skip the coffee shop and make a delicious iced coffee at home – even during the usual morning rush.

Make your coffee the night before and pour it into an ice cube tray. Freeze the coffee overnight, and in the morning, add the cubes to your cup with your favorite milk. This makes the perfect icy brew that’s not watery!
Use A Pumice Stone To De-Fuzz Your Sweaters
While there are other pricey gadgets to de-fuzz your favorite sweaters, why not use something you (probably) already have in your bathroom? Pumice stones that remove dry and dead skin work wonders on gently removing fuzz from your knitwear.

Clean your stone and wait until it’s fully dry. Next, grab a sweater and gently rub the pumice stone across your clothing. The pumice removes the pesky fuzz. You can also use this trick on pants, shirts, jackets, etc.
Organize Your Handbags With Shower Curtain Hooks
We wish this game-changing hack had occurred to us sooner. How many of your purses are tossed into the dark corners of your closet or under your bed, collecting dust? This simple solution requires only shower curtain hooks.

To save even more, pick up a pack from the dollar store. Then, attach the hooks to a curtain rod – we like ours above our shoe collection. Arrange your bag collection by size or color so you’ll always know what you have.
Pee After Taking A Bath To Avoid A UTI
Who doesn’t love a long soak in the tub after a long day? Throw in a bath bomb or some bubbles, and it’s a party! Imagine soaking in the water with your favorite book and a glass of wine.

Sounds great, right? The only issue is that sitting in the tub for an extended period can cause a UTI (urinary tract infection). Always use the bathroom when you get out to help avoid an infection.
Cut Product Containers In Half So Nothing Goes To Waste
We’ve all been there – you’re at the end of your serum, body cream, toothpaste, or moisturizer, trying to squeeze out every last drop. Why does the spare you bought seem to disappear when you need it most?

Here’s a handy hack to help: Cut the tube in half with a pair of kitchen scissors to save time and get the most out of your products. Use up the remaining product without straining to squeeze it out.
Use Shower Caps to Wrap Your Shoes In Your Suitcase
Are you packing for a trip? It’s always annoying when you’re packing shoes, and the soles get the rest of your items dirty. Here’s a simple solution. Wrap up each of your shoes in a shower cap.

The caps will protect your clean clothes from coming in contact with any dirt left behind on your shoes. You can buy inexpensive shower caps at the dollar or save the free caps whenever you stay at a hotel.
Learn How To Change A Tire
You never know what’s going to happen on the road. Learning how to change a tire is important if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation. It’s easier than you would think, and it could save you!

The last thing you want is to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a flat. You don’t need to be super strong. Practice changing a tire in a safe place during daylight hours. YouTube is a great place to learn.
Baking Soda Helps Keep Shoes Stink-Free
Nobody wants stinky feet! If you wear your shoes barefoot or with tights, the added moisture can cause bacterial growth in your shoes. It’s not dangerous, but it’s a bit smelly. Don’t toss a good pair of shoes if they smell.

There’s a simple solution. All you need are some tissues, a ribbon, and baking soda. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a tissue and tie it off with a ribbon. Pop one into each shoe whenever you’re not wearing them.
Frozen Grapes Are Perfect Ice Cubes
Ice melts too quickly on a warm day, leaving you with a watered-down version of your wine, water, or juice. Instead of using plastic coolers (which contain microplastics), grab a few grapes and pop them in the freezer overnight.

You’ll want to store fresh grapes in a freezer-friendly bag for easy access. Once the grapes are frozen, you can use them like traditional ice cubes, except these won’t melt and ruin your drink.
Skin Toner Can Get Rif Of A Perfume Smell
Have you ever sprayed on a sample perfume at the store or airport and realized the smell wasn’t for you? Next thing you know, you’re stuck with an overpowering scent on your body until you can take a shower.

Luckily, we found this trick that helps eliminate the smell from your skin. Wipe an astringent facial toner on your skin where you applied the perfume. Toners made for oily skin work best to absorb perfume oils and reduce odor.
DIY French Mani Using A Rubber Band
We love a timeless Frech manicure. It’s our go-to when we don’t know what color to do our nails. The only problem is doing it at home is hard. The salon’s manicurist perfectly applies white polish on the nail tips.

You can mimic a salon-quality French mani at home. Grab a rubber band and nail polish. Tie the band together to make a small loop. Once your base is dry, loop the elastic around your nail and paint the white tip.
Add Period Products To Your First Aid Kit
A small first aid kit in your purse or car is always a good idea. You never know when you’ll need it. Add sanitary pads to your kit. Pads are a must if your period comes early, but that’s not all.

Pads can be used in emergencies to dress wounds. The absorbent pads are also latex-free, which is handy for treating someone with a latex allergy. Sanitary pads are light and inexpensive and don’t take up much room in your kit.
Ice Cubes In The Dryer Help Reduce Wrinkles
“I love ironing clothes,” – said no one ever. Ironing is tedious and takes forever. Did you know you can pop a few ice cubes in your dryer, and clothes will come out with fewer wrinkles? We love this time-saving hack.

Just toss the wrinkled item in the dyer with three ice cubes. The heat and moisture help smooth out your clothes in minutes. This trick is perfect if you have to be out the door and you don’t feel like ironing.
Nail Polish Prevents Rust Rings On Metal Cans
Do you ever notice how products that come in metal containers always get rusty on the bottom? Everyday bathroom essentials like spray deodorant cans, hair mousse, cleaning products, and shaving cream leave annoying rust rings on your counter or bath.

Rust rings are a pain to remove. Prevent them by applying clear nail polish to the bottom of the metal container for a quick fix. Just be sure to let them dry properly. Oh, and try white vinegar for rust stains!
Keep Spare Beauty And Hygiene Products In Your Glove Box
Oh no, it’s almost time for your big date, and there’s no time to freshen up! No worries, use your emergency stash in your car’s glove box. You’ll be so happy you thought ahead and made an emergency kit.

In addition to first aid staples, buy travel-size deodorant, lip balm, toothpaste, body lotion, mascara, lip gloss, or any other essential you may need. Throw everything in a small makeup bag and keep it in the glove box.
Hairspray Will Stop Tights From Ripping
We learned this classic hack from our moms. Pantyhose and tights rip ridiculously easily. To avoid getting stuck with a snag at work or on your way out the door, spray pantyhose with hairspray before you wear them.

The hairspray acts like a protective layer. Now, you don’t have to sit at the office all day worried about your undergarments falling apart. You can also toss a spare pair in your work bag in case of a large tear.
Hide Cash In Your Phone Case
The space between your phone and its case is the perfect spot to stash emergency cash. Carrying cash is always a good idea whether you need money for a taxi home one night or your card stops working.

Avoid stressful situations by keeping a few dollars in your phone case. The money is well hidden, and it’s not going to budge. Leave it in there until you need it. Cash can come in handy when you least expect it.
Get Rid Of Smelly Hands After Chopping Onions And Garlic
If you have a stainless steel sink, listen up. This hack is for you. Garlic and onions are the base for countless recipes. Although delicious, the lingering garlic and onion smell on your hands isn’t so pleasant.

If washing your hands with soap and water doesn’t eliminate the smell, you can rub your hands against your clean stainless steel sink. The metal and sulfur molecules combine, transferring the scent from your hands to the sink.
Always Get Ready For The Day When You Work From Home
It’s no secret that the pandemic has drastically changed how we work. More people are working from home than ever before. While this has advantages, it can also lead to negative effects, like feeling unmotivated or sluggish.

To combat these feelings, maintain a daily routine by showering and getting dressed, even when not planning to leave the house. This small change can make a big difference in your mindset and help you stay productive throughout the day.
Write Down Your Body Measurements To Make Shopping Easier
Keep a log of your current body measurements on your phone so you can refer to it when shopping for new clothes. Sizes drastically differ from brand to brand. One store’s size 8 is another’s 10 or 12.

Measure your hips, waist, chest, and height, and add the measurements to your notes app. Next time you’re unsure which size to buy, compare the size information against your measurements for the perfect fit. This will help you avoid returns.
Do A Walk-Around Of The Grocery Store Before You Buy
While we all know the importance of never hitting the store on an empty stomach, there are other ways to be mindful of spending. For instance, take a few minutes to explore the store and survey items you need before purchasing.

Remember to evaluate whether those flashy “special offers” are worth it or a clever marketing gimmick. Retailers often place discounted items strategically to entice customers to buy them, but they may only sometimes be the best value.
Hanging Sweaters Inside Out To Avoid Shoulder Bumps
Do you hate those sweater shoulder bumps? We do, too. Hangers often leave behind a weird bump in the fabric, especially if you hang dry your favorite sweaters. Combat these annoying dents by hanging your sweaters inside out.

That way, the bumps will be on the inside of your clothing. This hack works great for sweaters, cardigans, and any other knitwear. The bumps stay inwards and won’t stick out like you have tiny horns coming out of your shoulders.
Source: AutoGuide