John emerged from his daughter’s classroom, letting out a heavy sigh. He had just met with her teacher and learned a troubling fact about Caroline’s life. Caroline had always been a creative and imaginative child, constantly lost in her world of mythical creatures and make-believe adventures.
But when Caroline’s daily stories about her twin sister at school became a frequent topic of conversation in the Duval household, John couldn’t help but take her words more seriously. He felt compelled to uncover the mystery behind his daughter’s growing obsession with a girl named Anna
After leaving the classroom, John felt disappointed, having hit a dead end in his quest to find Caroline’s so-called twin. Yet, as he passed through the school courtyard, his gaze landed on something that made his breath catch in his throat. Standing there, on the school grounds, was a sight that not only raised more questions but would alter the course of his life forever.
Caroline was John and Emily Duval’s only child, an imaginative nine-year-old with a flair for storytelling. With her mother, Emily, a prominent research scientist at a state-run center, and her father, John, a successful realtor, Caroline had everything a child could dream of—except for quality family time.

Emily’s demanding job required her to spend three days a week in another city, where the research lab was located. While she visited as often as possible, her career left the majority of the parenting responsibilities to John.
John adored his daughter and encouraged her vivid imagination. He believed her storytelling was a way of compensating for the absence of siblings and the divided attention from her busy parents. Caroline was often immersed in her world of fictitious adventures, and John, who cherished their time together, eagerly participated in her imaginative games.

It had become a cherished part of their daddy-daughter routine. One day, Caroline came home from school brimming with excitement, her eyes sparkling as she shared the news that she had found her twin sister—Anna—and had become her best friend.
Emily chuckled as she watched John, who listened attentively to their daughter’s fantastical tales. According to Caroline, Anna was everything she was not—outgoing, daring, and full of mischief. At first, both John and Emily found the stories charming, assuming Anna was just another character in Caroline’s elaborate world of make-believe.

Intrigued by this new “best friend,” John asked questions about Anna, smiling as he told Caroline how much he’d like to meet her. He assumed the conversation would end there, believing the story of a twin sister to be another whimsical tale. Little did he know, it was just the beginning.
As the days passed and Caroline’s stories about Anna became more frequent, John found himself growing uneasy. Each day, Caroline had a new story to tell, each more detailed than the last. It was unlike anything he had ever heard from her before.

John’s concern deepened, and he decided it was time to share his worries with Emily. But when he brought it up, Emily merely laughed, dismissing his fears. “How could you even think this is real, John?” she asked, amused.
John, however, persisted. “What if there’s actually a girl in her class who looks like Caroline? Maybe she’s feeding her these stories and influencing her in a bad way. Or what if the girl doesn’t exist and Caroline is falling deeper into her world of make-believe? Don’t you think that’s a matter for concern?”

Emily shook her head, unconvinced. “It’s all in her head, John. She’s always had a vivid imagination, and she’s only nine. This Anna must be her figment of imagination and this will blow over soon.” Though John had to admit Emily had a point, his mind remained restless.
John tried his best to let it go, but one afternoon, Caroline came home with a drawing that made John stop in his tracks. Two girls were sketched on the page with bright, vibrant colors, but what caught his eye was that they were drawn in different styles.

John instantly recognized his daughter’s drawing style. Curious, he asked who had drawn the other girl. Caroline’s answer left him speechless: “Anna drew me, and I drew Anna!” she said with a proud smile, before skipping off to her room.
Caroline’s words made John freeze in his tracks. How could an imaginary friend draw? What if Anna’s real? Or what if Caroline was developing some sort of mental-health issue? He ripped the drawing off the fridge and studied it carefully. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Determined to get to the bottom of his daughter’s obsession with Anna, John began researching imaginary friends on the internet, hoping to find a logical explanation. As John continued his research, he came across articles explaining that some children can become deeply attached to their imaginary friends.
Sometimes the kids can get attached to the point where they treat them as if they’re real. John couldn’t help but wonder if Caroline’s growing attachment to Anna was her way of handling her mother’s absence. The idea unsettled him even more.

Realizing he needed more information, John decided to discreetly ask Caroline a few more questions. He didn’t want Emily to think he was obsessing over it, so he approached his daughter casually, suggesting they play with her dolls.
As they played, John casually asked Caroline about Anna. “Does Anna like playing with dolls too?” he inquired. Caroline nodded enthusiastically, explaining how Anna always chose the adventurous dolls. Her answers seemed convincing, making John wonder if Anna was a real friend from school.

However, when John pressed for more details, the answers became vague. Caroline couldn’t tell him Anna’s last name or describe her family. She confidently spoke about Anna’s favorite games, yet couldn’t explain where Anna lived or anything about her outside of school.
Even after playing for hours and asking various questions about Anna and her parents, John got no conclusive answers he could work with. Caroline didn’t know who Anna’s parents were or anything else about her except her favorite color or TV show.

This made John frustrated as he felt no closer to the truth after their talk. With no clear answers, he decided to take matters into his own hands. One afternoon, he left to pick up Caroline from school a little early so he could observe the kids for a bit and maybe find out who Anna is.
Standing across the street from the playground, John leaned against a bus stop, appearing to wait for a bus. He peered through the playground’s gate and quickly spotted Caroline, laughing on a swing, being pushed by a taller girl with long brown hair.

The girl, standing with her back to him, didn’t seem like Anna. She looked older, maybe a classmate’s sibling. Caroline looked happy and well-adjusted, she didn’t seem like someone who is struggling with making friends and becoming obsessed with an imaginary friend.
Caroline seemed content, and that only confused him more. If Anna wasn’t real, then why was Caroline so happy? And if she was, then where was she? According to Caroline’s story, she and Anna were inseparable.

John waited, watching the playground slowly empty as the school day ended. His heart raced, hoping this would be his chance to finally meet Anna. He scanned the crowd of children leaving, but no one resembled the girl Caroline had described so vividly.
As more students poured out of the school, John moved closer, searching for any sign of Anna among them. He watched groups of children leave, but no one stood out. His frustration grew as the minutes passed, and Anna remained nowhere to be found.

When Caroline finally emerged, she looked tired, dragging her backpack behind her. John smiled gently and asked, “Hey, sweetheart, can you show me Anna?” But Caroline, rubbing her eyes, shook her head and sighed, “I’m too tired, Daddy. Can we go home?”
John’s heart sank. He had hoped to settle his doubts, but Caroline was clearly exhausted. Not wanting to push her, he reluctantly agreed. “Alright, let’s get you home,” he said, still confused and frustrated as they headed away from the school, no closer to answers.

John couldn’t stop thinking about the playground and the lack of a twin-like figure. Did Caroline truly imagine everything? Unsure of what to believe, he decided to email her teacher, hoping for some clarity on the matter.
John composed a brief email, asking if there was a girl named Anna in Caroline’s class who looked remarkably similar to her. After hitting send, all he could do was wait. The hours crawled by as he waited for the reply, his thoughts clouded with concern for his daughter’s well-being.

To his surprise, the teacher responded that same afternoon. The answer was clear: “There is no girl named Anna in Caroline’s class, and I’ve been meaning to talk to you about her social interactions. Could you come by after school tomorrow?”
John’s heart sank. That didn’t sound good at all. When Emily came home that week, he told her about the email, expecting understanding. Instead, Emily grew angry, accusing him of going behind her back. John was stunned by her reaction.

Emily’s frustration flared as she crossed her arms. “John, you’re obsessing over nothing. Caroline’s just a kid, and kids make up imaginary friends all the time. You’re blowing this way out of proportion.” Her voice was sharp, dismissing his concerns entirely. “Just let it go.”
John couldn’t hold back his anger. “How can you say that? What if this isn’t just a phase? What if there’s something deeper going on, and we’re ignoring it? This is important for Caroline’s well-being, and I need answers. You can’t just brush this aside.”

He couldn’t believe Emily was dismissing the situation so easily. Sure, maybe Anna was just an imaginary friend, but what if it was something more? What if this affected Caroline’s development in a negative way? He needed answers, and fast.
The next afternoon, John arrived at school to meet with Caroline’s teacher. She greeted him with a warm smile, ushering him into the classroom. “I’m glad you could make it, Mr. Duval,” she said. “Please, call me John,” he replied, already anxious.

The teacher wasted no time. “I wanted to talk to you about Caroline’s social interactions—or rather, the lack thereof. Inside the classroom, she’s very quiet and often plays by herself, while outside, some older students help her during recess.”
John’s heart ached as the teacher’s words sunk in. He had no idea Caroline was struggling so much with making friends. The thought of his daughter, sitting alone in the corner of the classroom while the other children played, filled him with sorrow.

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that Anna wasn’t real, just a figment of Caroline’s imagination to fill the void of her loneliness. The realization that his daughter had created this imaginary twin to cope with her struggles left him feeling helpless and heartbroken.
John knew Caroline was imaginative, but he had no idea she was so isolated at school. He promised Caroline’s teacher that he’d speak with her and was about to call Emily and relay the information about this parent-teacher meeting to her when suddenly something caught his eye.

What John saw made him freeze in his tracks. There, on the playground, was a girl who looked exactly like Caroline. The same blonde hair, the same doe-like eyes, she indeed looked like Caroline’s twin! But how was it possible? Was Caroline telling the truth all along?
As John observed a bit more, he started seeing the differences between Anna and Caroline. Anna was a bit taller but the resemblance between the two girls was eerie. His heart pounded as he watched her get into a car with a man—presumably her father.

Without a second thought, John hurried to his car and began to follow them. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his mind racing. As they drove, the girl’s face became clearer in the fading sunlight. Her features were unmistakably similar to Caroline’s—except for her brown eyes.
John’s pulse quickened. This has to be the Anna that Caroline had talked about for weeks? Was she actually ‘real’? His thoughts spiraled as he trailed the car, his mind battling between doubt and the unnerving possibility that his daughter had been telling the truth all along.

After a few minutes of driving, they arrived at a house on the outskirts of the town. John parked the car nearby, his heart thudding in his chest. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected to find, but now he was here, frozen with indecision. What was he supposed to do next? His mind raced for answers.
He had driven here on impulse without thinking much about the consequences of what he was going to say if someone saw him stalking a man and his daughter, but John shook the thoughts away. Right now he was too focused on solving the mystery of his daughter’s twin.

Sitting there, John thought that maybe if he could see the parents of Carla together, the mystery would be solved for him. If by any chance, the parents look similar to Emily or John himself, there is a high chance the daughter would resemble Caroline. After all, having look-alikes is not that uncommon.
As the sky darkened, John realized it was getting late. He pulled out his phone and called Emily, trying to act casual. “Are you coming home tonight?” he asked, masking his unease. Emily responded, “I can’t find my car keys. I’ll just stay at a friend’s place.”

John furrowed his brow. It didn’t sit right with him. Why didn’t she just ask me to pick her up? It wasn’t like her to be stranded without asking for help. But before he could dwell on it, his thoughts quickly shifted back to Anna. He was too absorbed in the mystery to pursue Emily’s odd behavior.
As time slipped by, John realized he hadn’t made arrangements for Caroline. He hastily called the neighborhood babysitter, asking her to come over for the night. “I’m not sure how late I’ll be,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Can you watch Caroline until I get back?”

After the call, John sat there, unsure of what he was doing or hoping to uncover. His mind spun with possibilities, but none of them made sense. His instincts told him something was off, but he didn’t know what he was looking for—he just knew he couldn’t leave now.
John sat in his car, staring intently at the house, feeling the weight of the unknown pressing down on him. As time passed, he saw the man and Anna move outside to the lawn. They seemed carefree, playing and laughing.

John’s nerves heightened as he continued watching the pair on the curb, laughing and chatting. They seemed so at ease, but John couldn’t shake the growing tension. He wondered if the man had noticed his car parked conspicuously on the street, its presence unusual in the quiet neighborhood.
The thought made John’s pulse race. His car wasn’t exactly hidden, and to anyone paying attention, it might look suspicious. The man and Anna glanced toward the road several times, and each time, John feared their eyes would linger too long on his vehicle, giving away his presence.

But after several minutes of watching, John began to realize that the man wasn’t looking at him. He wasn’t paying attention to the car at all. The frequent glances at the road weren’t out of suspicion; they were out of expectation. John exhaled slowly, realizing that they were waiting for someone else.
John was lost in the thought wondering who they must be waiting for when suddenly headlights appeared, illuminating the driveway. It was a silver Toyota Camry, the same one that Emily drives. John was amused at another similarity, until his eyes locked on the number plate.

John’s breath caught in his throat as he recognized the number—it was Emily’s. His heart stopped. He watched in stunned silence as Emily stepped out and walked directly toward the house, her movements casual and familiar.
John watched with bated breath as Emily stepped out of the car and walked toward Anna. His heart pounded in his chest, struggling to make sense of what he was seeing. He watched, frozen, as Emily knelt down, her arms wrapping around Anna in a warm embrace.

Before John could process the sight before him, his world shattered further. Emily stood up, turned to the man, and kissed him on the lips, a radiant smile spreading across her face. John’s stomach dropped, his mind snapping back to harsh reality.
As he sat frozen, everything started to click into place. The work trips. The long absences. The unexplained weekends. His heart thudded painfully as he watched his wife kiss the man on the cheek, the scene playing out like a nightmare he couldn’t wake from.

Unable to contain his rage any longer, John stepped out of the car, slamming the door behind him. The sound echoed through the street, and all three of them turned to look at him. Emily’s face drained of color the moment their eyes met.
John’s chest heaved, his mind reeling from the betrayal that lay bare before him. Emily stood there, trembling, her silence confirming everything. The man, Thom, narrowed his eyes in confusion and stepped forward again. “Who are you, really?” he asked, his voice tight with suspicion.

John turned to face Thom, anger boiling over. “I’m her husband. We’ve been married for twelve years,” he spat out, his voice thick with betrayal. Thom’s face was drained of color. He turned toward Emily, his voice now filled with disbelief. “What is this, Emily?” But Emily stood silent.
Thom’s face tightened, his disbelief turning into denial. “This can’t be true,” he muttered, shaking his head, eyes wide with shock. “You’re lying,” he insisted, glaring at John, as if refusing to accept what was unfolding in front of him. “Emily would never do this. We’ve been married for 15 years.”

John’s rage flared again. He clenched his fists, his voice barely under control. “Ask Anna,” he shot back. “Has she ever mentioned a girl named Caroline to you?” Thom froze, the question hanging heavy in the air. His face faltered, and John could see the moment everything clicked in his mind.
Thom’s eyes darted to Emily, who stood silently, tears streaming down her face. “Anastasia did mention Caroline… more than once,” he whispered, the realization settling in. “I thought it was just some school friend she had met recently. I never…” His voice trailed off as he turned back to John, horrified.

John took a breath, steadying himself. “That’s because Anna and Caroline go to the same school. But you wouldn’t have known because they are not in the same grade. That’s why I never found her when I looked. She’s older.” The revelation hit Thom like a punch, and John could see him grappling with the betrayal.
Thom staggered back, trying to comprehend it all. “So, this is why… this is why you didn’t want Anastasia switching schools,” he muttered, looking at Emily in disbelief. “You knew this would happen.” His voice cracked with hurt as the enormity of the situation settled over him.

He finally spoke, his voice heavy with grief. “So, you’ve been lying to both of us this entire time. We thought you were dedicated to your career, but all along, you were splitting yourself between us.” He looked down at Anna, then at John. “I can’t believe this.”
John’s fists clenched as he glared at Emily, his words sharp. “How could you do this to both of us? To our daughters?” His voice cracked with pain, each word cutting deeper. Thom, his face ashen, could barely process what he was hearing.

John shook his head in disbelief. “You couldn’t keep the lie together any longer, could you? How long were you planning to keep this going, Emily?” His voice trembled with both rage and heartbreak, unable to fathom the depth of her betrayal.
Emily wiped tears from her face, but her words came out hollow. “I never wanted it to come to this. I thought I could manage it—separate lives, separate families. I tried to pull Anna out, but she had already settled in. I couldn’t do it.” Her excuses fell flat, the damage beyond repair.

John’s breath caught in his throat as Emily’s hollow words hung in the air. He couldn’t bear it any longer—the weight of her betrayal, the lies she had been feeding both of them for years. His chest tightened, suffocated by the realization that everything they’d built had been a façade.
Without a word, John turned away, walking swiftly toward his car. His head swirled with rage, heartbreak, and disbelief, and he knew he couldn’t stay there a second longer. He glanced back at the house one last time before driving, at Emily, Thom, and Anna—two families torn apart by deceit.

In the months that followed, everything unraveled. Both John and Thom filed for divorce, neither man able to salvage what had been destroyed. They had been deceived for too long, and neither could look at Emily the same way again.
In the end, both John and Thom were granted full custody of their daughters. Emily, left alone with the aftermath of her decisions, never remarried. The weight of her betrayal and the fractured relationships with her daughters left her isolated.

She spent weekends with Anna and Caroline, but the trust she had shattered could never be fully repaired. The double life she had tried to juggle crumbled, leaving only broken pieces behind.
As for John and Thom, they moved on with their lives, bonded in an unexpected way through the tragedy of Emily’s betrayal. Both focused on raising their daughters, creating new lives out of the wreckage.

Caroline and Anna remained close, despite the circumstances that had brought them together. In the end, John found peace in the truth, knowing that he and Caroline would be okay. They had weathered the storm, and life, though different, finally felt like it was moving in the right direction.