Her boss had even scheduled an extra meeting to inform her and all her colleagues about this man. He’d shown up multiple times, each time looking worse than before, begging them to help. The last time it got so bad he was slurring his words and yelling at other customers. The only thing saving the sales of that day, was the extraordinary discounts handed out to all the potential buyers because of the inconvenience. Claire could still hear the manager yelling after that mess.
She had briefly talked to the guy, apparently named Dave, while she and a colleague were dragging him out. He told her he was born and raised in this city and always lived a comfortable life, up until the moment the economy crashed and burned Dave’s life to the ground. “If you would just listen to me, you would understand!”, he said. Claire almost felt sorry for him, she always had a soft spot for the helpless and elderly. However, the scene from just moments ago and the fear of losing her job, made her unresponsive to his pleas.
Now he was roaming the parking lot once more. He looked just as disheveled as last time: stains all over his trousers, tangled and matted long hair, and she even thought she could see a hole in his shoes!

She walked up to him to tell him to leave immediately or she would get him arrested. But then she saw. Was that really who she thought it was, walking alongside Dave? It couldn’t be!
Claire’s heart raced as Alexander Kincade stood beside Dave. Beside Dave! Alexander, the face behind Kincade Enterprises wasn’t just wealthy and famous; he was the big name in the tech industry.

He was leading the field in green energy, making the world a greener and better place. In the car world, his electric designs were masterpieces, combining beauty with brains – true art on wheels. Claire’s boss had often talked about how much he liked Kincade’s work.
The sight of them together was shocking. Suddenly, Dave was no longer just an intruder; he was friends with someone powerful. How on earth did a beggar like Dave get to be in the presence of Kincade?

Claire felt awe and confusion, along with a dose of fear. This was Alexander Kincade, a legend in the business world. Why was he with Dave, someone she had chased off many times?
Alexander was a big deal. Claire had followed his accomplishments in the media, his business wins always on the news. He was a man with a golden touch, and everything he handled turned into something special. Seeing him with Dave felt like a scene from a strange dream.

Claire’s hands were sweaty. She should walk up to him; that’s what her job demanded. VIPs like Alexander were not to be ignored; they were to be welcomed with open arms. But fear glued her feet to the ground. What would her boss do if she didn’t kick Dave of the parking lot like he instructed her?
Dave’s pleas echoed in her head. He had begged to be heard, but Claire hadn’t listened. She had seen him as a problem, not a person. Now, Alexander’s presence made her question that. Was there more to Dave than she had assumed?

Claire remembered the media mentioning how Alexander’s wasn’t just about his wealth but his kindness too. Stories of his business wins went hand in hand with tales of his generosity. He saw the real person behind the numbers. Could he see something in Dave that Claire had missed?
She didn’t know how to handle this new, unpredictable situation. Her training hadn’t prepared her for this. Should she kick Dave off just like her manager had told her, or should she give Alexander the VIP-treatment he deserved? Claire was at a crossroads.

Still unsure of what to do exactly, Claire’s feet started moving without her realizing it. She walked up to Dave and Alexander and greeted Alexander like she used to do with all customers: “Good afternoon, Mr. Kincade,” she said with a soft voice. She glanced at Dave, but decided not to greet him. She was desperately trying to balance this difficult situation of not wanting to disobey her boss, but also not wanting to lose an important customer.
Alexander nodded at Claire and greeted her with “Afternoon, Miss…? “Claire, sir. Claire Thompson,” she replied, filling in the blank. Despite her inner conflict about how to handle this interaction, she came across confident and professional. She tried to focus on the conversation with Mr. Kincade, but also keep an eye on Dave to make sure he wouldn’t cause any trouble again.

“I hope I’m not causing any trouble,” Alexander said. “Not at all, Mr. Kincade. We’re always happy to have visitors, especially someone with your … status,” Claire responded. She was still beyond confused about the possible relationship between such a man as Alexander and Dave.
Maybe Claire had misread the situation before and Dave was actually harassing Alexander? Maybe Alexander was also going to complain about Dave, just like all the customers before him? Were they actual friends, or was Mr. Kincade just trying to be nice to someone less fortunate? Thoughts raced through Claire’s head.

Alexander continued, pulling Claire back from her raising thoughts, back into reality. “I’ve heard good things about this dealership. Your collection is quite impressive.” “Thank you, sir. We take pride in offering the best of the best to our customers.” Claire managed to reply. She wondered if Alexander noticed her discomfort with Dave, or if she was hiding it well enough.
“I’ve noticed Dave here, quite an interesting presence,” Alexander told Claire, while looking at Dave. During Alex’s and Claire’s short conversation Dave had wandered to the main building, where Claire’s boss was having a meeting. It was almost as if Dave was trying to get himself arrested at this point; what on earth was going on this guy’s mind?

Alexander all of a sudden switched subjects and asked her about a certain car and its model. Claire was surprised by the abrupt change in subject from Dave back to cars, but she quickly pulled herself together. She went into her professional mode and told him about the specifications and specific features of the car.
Alexander paid close attention while he walked around the car, looking at all the features Claire was talking about. She almost forgot about Dave for a moment, but just when she thought about inviting Alexander into the dealership to close the deal, she spotted Dave in the corner of her eye. Her boss had spotted him and Claire saw him rushing out to yell at Dave to leave, phone in hand to probably call the police.

Just as Claire’s manager almost reached Dave, Alexander turned away and walked towards the exit. “Thank you for all the information, have a nice rest of your day. Claire!” said Alexander, while he waved at Dave. Dave quickly followed him, leaving Claire standing there in a state of utter confusion. Were they actually leaving together or was Dave harassing him? Dave couldn’t really be an acquaintance of someone so important, right?
Claire looked at them leaving, when her boss all of a sudden stood beside her and angrily told her they would talk about this at the end of the day. “Yes, of course Sir, but …” replied Claire, but her boss cut her off before she could finish her response. “We’ve talked about this before and now you let a beggar like Dave intimidate such an important customer, this is completely unacceptable” he hissed at Claire, while walking inside again.

As the day continued, Claire’s thoughts drifted off to Dave when there were no customers around. She wondered, who really was this Dave behind his messy hair and old clothes? Was she wrong about him all along? In Alexanders’ presence Dave seemed to change from beggar to someone with an unexpected backstory; what could that be?
She kept thinking back to what Alexander had told her: “quite an interesting presence”. Maybe she should tell her boss that Alexander said that. That might explain why she didn’t get Dave removed from the plot, apart from not wanting to insult Alexander of course.

As the clock struck 5PM, Claire dragged herself to the management office. She wasn’t sure if she would get fired immediately, or if she would get the chance to defend herself. What could she say to save herself?
When she walked in her boss was working on the sales numbers of that day. “First I want to say, I’m so sorry about what happened this afternoon, but…” Claire started, but was cut off before she could finish. “Why didn’t you listen to my specific instructions I gave you the last time?” her boss asked, already a bit calmer than he was earlier.

Claire thought about how she could best respond, before she explained herself: “Sir, Alexander Kincade was there. I didn’t think it was wise to…” She didn’t even have to finish her sentence before her boss realized the implications of what she’d just told him.
Her boss’s expression changed. Alexander Kincade was a man that deserved respect. The entire situation changed if Alexander was involved. He could understand Claire’s doubtfulness of how to best approach this situation. He didn’t know whether he understood Claire correctly, because he just couldn’t believe a man like Alexander would be involved with Dave the beggar.

To confirm he had heard Claire correctly, he asked her with a softer tone than before: “Kincade, you say?”. Claire nodded. “Yes, I think they came here together. I didn’t want to give Mr. Kincade the impression we weren’t welcoming of him or his friends.”
A pause filled the room as Claire’s manager considered the situation. Dave was a problem, but Alexander Kincade was an opportunity. How to balance this predicament? If Dave was truly a friend of Alexander, the entire approach to Dave would have to change.

“I get it, Claire,” her boss said finally. His voice was softer now, understanding. “But we can’t have Dave scaring off other customers.” Claire listened, relieved her boss seemed to understand. At least she wouldn’t be fired that day, she thought.
After thinking about it some more, he started to speak again: “If Kincade is not around, Dave needs to leave,” he instructed Claire. But then he added, “But try to find out what the deal is between them, okay? Be… nicer to him.”

To that he added: “I still don’t pay you to talk to customers though, so don’t get too talkative! Even though I understand what happened, I’m still not happy you disobeyed a direct order. Just know I’m keeping a close eye on you from now on.”
Her boss concluded by repeating that Claire had to find out what was going on with Dave. There was clearly more going on than they had first assumed. Claire and her boss shared the same curiosity: what was the deal with Dave?

The following days Claire was distracted, even at home. Meals were simple, TV shows were uninteresting, and even her cozy bed didn’t offer the comfort it usually did. Her mind kept coming back to the situation with Dave and Mr. Kincade and how to balance the instructions her boss had given her.
Weeks later, when Claire started to believe she would never see Dave again, he all of a sudden reappeared on a busy afternoon. While she was helping a customer, he was at the far end of the lot. Even though he looked as disheveled as he did during the last meeting, he himself and his presence felt different to Claire. She needed to find out what was going on with Dave.

Claire excused herself from the customer she was helping and walked towards Dave. They didn’t speak at first but then Claire broke the silence: “Hi, Dave”. Her tone was different this time, not the stern and somewhat angry voice she’d use all those times before.
Claire kept looking at Dave while her mind drifted back to the conversation with her manager after the incident. She remembered the stern look on her boss’s face. Even though he understood her predicament, he still wasn’t happy about Dave and him being there.

Claire recalled her boss’ words as she now stood in front of Dave. Be nicer, but don’t get too talkative with him. She was trying to balance her natural curiosity and the potential annoyance of him being there would cause other customers. How could she find out more, without disobeying her boss?
“Dave,” Claire repeated, her voice softer and friendlier, keeping the manager’s instructions in mind. Claire forgot about her surroundings. In that moment, it was just Claire and Dave, and the mystery Claire tried, no needed, to solve.

“You know, Claire,” Dave began to tell her. She could see a small smile appearing around his mouth and almost read his secrets in his eyes. “I once was a man of means, not unlike the folks who walk through these doors.”Claire tilted her head, she was curious what would follow and wanted to pay extra attention. The way Dave talked, it was like he had a whole other story hiding under what he was actually saying.
“You had a business?” Claire asked, trying to get some more and clearer information from him. Dave’s world was a complete mystery, but Claire felt as if there was a connection between Dave and the car dealership. Why else would come back over and over again; he could go everywhere he wanted so why choose this place?

“Oh, a life of hustle and bustle, young lady. A dance with numbers, a ballet with deals,” Dave responded, adding even further to the mystery. He seemed to be hinting that the financial crisis was this nasty storm that didn’t let up on anyone, and it hit him like a ton of bricks.
Claire listened, paying close attention to what he said while trying to unravel Dave’s web of mysteries. Could it be that Dave’s path had once crossed Alexander’s? Maybe in the days before the financial crisis?

She couldn’t understand what Dave was actually talking about, so she continued her investigation: “But how did you meet Mr. Kincade?”. Dave responded with a chuckle, looking both amused and a bit saddened by the question “Ah, paths cross and worlds collide, Claire. Fate’s got a funny way of doing its own thing, just like the wind blowing whichever way it wants.
Claire felt even more confused. Everything Dave said let her down another path of mystery and unanswered questions. She just wanted to know why he was here and how he knew Alexander, but she was getting nowhere.

“So, you lost everything in the crisis?” Claire probed further. She hoped he would talk a bit more clearly about that. It could at least shine a light on how he ended up in the hopeless position he is in now. Maybe he became the homeless beggar he was now because of the crisis?
“A king’s ransom and a pauper’s penny, all the same in destiny’s eyes,” Dave murmured while barely looking at Claire. He seemed lost in his own fantasy world, lost in his own riddles. His answers were a complete waste of time, Claire felt as if she was reading a weird translation of an old Latin text instead of talking to a real-life, present day man.

Claire was becoming more and more frustrated with Dave and his mysterious answers. Every word from Dave opened a new chapter of questions. The answers Claire was after seemed like a tease, always just out of reach.
Claire was completely consumed by the conversation with Dave and the world around them seemed to not exist while she was listening to his puzzling stories. Just when Claire wanted to ask another question, the dealership’s door swung open. Her boss stepped out, his eyes bouncing between her and Dave, as if he was reminding her of his rules.

Dave seemed to catch onto the unspoken commands by Claire’s boss and stopped talking. With a friendly nod, he started to walk to the exit of the parking lot, taking all his secrets with him. Claire watched him leave, while she thought about his words. She didn’t know if she was mainly confused or amused by Dave, he was truly an interesting figure as Alexander had put it.
Days and weeks passed and Dave would pop-up at the car dealership from time to time. No one understood why, but with Alexander’s unspoken support, no one dared to ask Dave to leave anymore. Claire often stopped to have a chat with him, but was never able to answer the question of who Dave was and why he was at this dealership.

Oddly enough, ever since Dave and Alexander had shown up together, business at the dealership was booming. No one knew how and why, but them showing up together that afternoon must have had something to do with it. Claire’ manager didn’t think about it too much anymore. He was happier than ever with all the sales numbers, easing the tension that was still there between them because of the Dave situation.
Claire was in the middle of a busy day at the dealership when she saw Alexander again. This time, he was with a group of four others, and Dave was there too, hanging around the group. Alexander and his friends were looking at some shiny cars. Claire could’ve heard what they were talking about, if they would have been just a couple of feet closer to her.

“Good day, Claire,” Alexander greeted her, with the others waving hello at her. Claire responded with a smile and hello, hoping another chat with Mr. Kincade could bring her some clarity. Instead, Alexanders and the group walked towards the main office, leaving Claire alone with Dave, who was roaming around the parking lot once again.
While her and Dave were having one of their riddle-filled chats, the group came out together with her manager. All of them were smiling, except for her manager. Walking past Claire to the exit, Alexander told her goodbye and see you soon. Dave followed them, leaving Claire even more confused than she had ever been before.

What was happening? At this point she was quite sure Alexander and Dave knew each other; this was the second time they were leaving together, that couldn’t be a coincidence! Maybe her boss could tell her what on earth was going on?
She walked up to her manager as soon as all the investors had gone, but he quickly walked inside. Claire could barely catch up with him to ask him what was going on. He just replied “None of your business”, while looking the angriest Claire had ever seen him.

The following morning the entire company received an email. A group of investors was interested in buying the dealership. Some positions within the company would soon open up, so people could send in their cover letter and resume if they wanted to apply.
Claire was shocked. This must have been why his boss was so angry earlier. Was this the reason Alexander and the other men showed up yesterday? How did Dave fit into this story?

The investors moved incredibly quickly. Before anyone really understood what was happening, Alexander and his group seemed to have taken over the dealership. In the transitional weeks Claire’s manager was even more annoyed and bitter than before.
During the entire process Dave seemed to show up even more often, which Claire’s boss hated even more than before. Claire disobeyed his orders from earlier and just let him: she didn’t want to mistreat one of Alexander’s friends. Even though she was still confused by him, she also started to appreciate their little riddle filled talks more and more.

The interview process for all the new positions began and it became clear the new investors meant business. Her boss was demoted to a lowly sales position, even lower than Claire’s position. A new manager would be introduced soon, another email for higher up said.
Claire adjusted to the new norms at the dealership. Every member of the team, except for her former boss, was excited about the transformation ahead. The briefings and emails from the investors talked about wanting to create a new management culture, as proven by the firing of the new manager. They would soon hear more.

Days turned into weeks and no new manager was brought forward yet. Emails mentioned the hiring process going well, but Claire had no clue about potential candidates. None of her colleagues had applied, so it must be an outside figure Claire thought.
Another factor adding to excitement at the dealership was the sudden disappearance of Dave. Claire hadn’t seen him in weeks and started to get a bit worried. She was planning on asking Mr. Kincade about him and Dave the next time he would come around. This time not because her ex-boss or herself wanted to get more information out of him, but because of genuine concern.

While talking to other customers, Claire sometimes found herself looking at the back of the parking lot, half-expecting, half-hoping to see Dave. But he was gone and Alexander didn’t give her any answers to where he might be. Claire was really worried and kept thinking about Dave, even when she was at home.
Yet another email from the investors arrived one morning; they had appointed a new manager and he would come visit the dealership that afternoon. Everyone was excited and curious. Even though Claire had a busy day that day, she looked forward to meeting him, just like everyone else.

Who was the mysterious new manager? Everyone would find out this afternoon. It was truly the talk of the day at the dealership and that afternoon all the employees gathered in the foyer of the dealership to meet the new manager.
Even Claire’s ex-boss had shown up for this big event. Because of his lower ranking job he barely got the chance to be inside anymore, always standing outside greeting customers and pointing them to the actual sales people. But now all the employees were standing there in anticipation.

The doors opened, and, next to Alexander, walked in the new manager. Claire’s world stood still for a moment; disbelief, shock, and realization crashed over her. It was Dave, completely cleaned up and looking fresh, but still very much himself.
While everyone was clapping in celebration, Claire felt as if she was in a movie. This couldn’t be true, right? Was Dave just hanging around Alexander again and would the actual manager show up in a few minutes? Claire glanced over to her now ex-boss and saw him looking even more surprised than her. Was it really true? Was the mysterious beggar Dave now their leader?

After all the noise had calmed down a bit, Dave thanked everyone for the warm welcome. He gave a short speech in clear and easy to understand riddles. Not only had his appearance cleared up, his language skills also seemed to have a bit of refresher. Claire was flabbergasted.
After all her colleagues had shook Dave’s hand, Claire was next in line. Alexander and Dave greeted Claire with a stern but friendly handshake; “Hello Claire, happy to see you again!” Dave told her. They then asked her to come along to the manager’s office. Claire, of course, went along.

In that meeting, Claire’s life changed forever. Not only did she finally get an answer to the question who Dave was and what led him to this point, she was also offered the chance of a lifetime.
Her ex-boss’ demotion opened up a spot for a new day-to-day manager for when Dave wouldn’t be there. Claire was the only employee that had always tried to be nice to Dave and treat him with respect. It only seemed fitting to Alexander and Dave that she would fill the role of new manager.

Claire felt like she was in an episode of undercover boss. It turned out that Dave, the beggar now turned manager, was testing her and her patience all along. And now offering her a dream job.
Before she could really think about it, she signed the contract and became the new day-to-day manager of the dealership. To celebrate Dave and Alexander, now her colleagues, offered her champagne and a nice dinner that evening. At the end of it Alexander handed Claire an old, worn envelope.

Inside were pictures of a happy and successful Dave standing in front of the dealership with a big smile. He used to own the car dealership but lost everything when the economy tanked. Even through all that mess, he and Alexander stayed close friends.
At that moment, it all clicked for Claire. Dave always hanging around the dealership, it was him trying to return to the good old days when he still had money, success, and pride. Claire had, unknowingly, befriended the old owner, now lending her a job as the new manager. Being friendly really pays off sometimes.